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Wheels within Wheels

The mystery of North and South polarities.

There is a Universal harmony that extends out through time and space and conceals it’s mystery’s within our planet and each one of us on this planet. We are so synchronized within the perfection that most of us loose sight of our direction and just live day by day. My 73 year old aunt told me that she thought and thought about the meaning and reason of her life on this planet and couldn’t come up with one thing as to why she is here. The sad part is she was raised all her life with spiritualism, but has never applied it to herself or her life. It’s time to change the thought process within the world of the magnetic energy we live. Those that have lived in a daily routine of home and work are truly missing out on the mysteries and codes of their own life and its purpose.

One of the most fascinating mysteries is that of the North and South. The Northern Hemisphere has a stronger polarity (magnetic energy) than the Southern Hemisphere and work in opposite directions. Water, hurricanes and tornado’s spin in a clockwise motion in the Northern Hemisphere and a counter-clockwise motion the Southern Hemisphere. Astrologers correctly chart planets in a counter clockwise movement while the Ages move clockwise. There is a description in the Bible as Wheels within Wheels, allowing those to understand a concept of forward and reversed movement in our life. Most of us are taught these movements of the Hemisphere’s in school, but what we aren’t taught is that Universal Law, that the North will, has and does predominant over the South. When the North and the South are in opposition the North will always win or there will be a draw and no one wins. Consider the War between the States. The South lost that war that was doomed from the beginning, since our Capital was North of the conflict. Consider the thousands of Americans that died in South Korea and South Vietnam in a no win situation that was doomed from the beginning. Iraq is also north of our Capital, so it may not be a win win situation on the part of the U.S, but it will be a draw where both Countries agree to terms and the situation will neutralize.

However, if you live in the Southern Hemisphere and are in conflict with the Northern part of the Southern Hemisphere the Southern portion will win or it will end in a draw where no one wins. The closer you are to the magnetic Poles the more power you have over your opponent. If there is opposition between the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere the Northern Hemisphere will win, as it has a stronger magnetic energy.

Personally, my house faces North and South and when my teenagers get into an argument it is usually in one of their bedrooms or the hallway that faces North. For me to resolve the argument I have to call them into the living room South of their bedroom’s and stand North of them for the discussion or it will become out of control and becomes a no win settlement where everyone is mad.

The next time you have to confront someone make sure you know which way is North and try standing North of your opponent and see what happens. You just may be surprised. 

If anyone has viewed the amazing photo’s from Nasa’s Space Gallery of Deep Space Galaxies, you will notice that Spiral Galaxies spin both clockwise and counterclockwise. There is also an interesting aspect when you view their Nebula pictures. Many of the Nebula formations look very similar to Angels with Wings, Human Faces, Wizards, Dragons, Devils and Evil Spirits. It kind of gives perspective to the Bible term “As Above, So Below.” As we view anything in space as above us. Oddly, the Ancient Celtic people built structures, like Stonehenge.  Many other tribes built structures to view more than the Solstice’s in the sky, thousands of years ago, as well as the Egyptians, Inca’s and others on this planet. It kind of makes you wonder about the ancient cave drawings of UFO’s, Space Beings, Sun’s, Planet’s, and our modern day speculation and sightings of UFO’s, as well as many monoliths that are standing across the planet Earth today. It does not even begin to cover the Major Religions and their God’s and or Goddess’s.  Are we alone in this Universe?  Think about it, but put your prejudice aside, because it isn’t a debate of right or wrong or even religious. It’s more of a possibility vs impossibility.   

Magnetic Energy

  • The magnetic field surrounding the planet Earth is not really something we notice or talk about on a daily basis. It is somewhat amazing how that magnetic energy influences the effect of the stones on this planet, as well as the magnetic attraction we have for other human Souls that cross our path during our lifetime. It can become most complicated in understanding all the dimensions of why, we humans do so many rituals of preparations to magnetize ourselves to attract others or why many Stones on this planet are used for different purposes. Diamonds, pearls, lodestones, greenstones, bluestones ( of Stonehenge and other sandstone monuments on the planet), birthstones, month stones and the list goes on.

This is an interesting quote from writer John Cowie, who was actually explaining Crop Circles in his article:

 “In the UK, there are more than nine hundred stone circles. In England, a remarkable straight line has been traced from St Michael’s Mount in Cornwall through Glastonbury and Avebury to Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk, while another runs from the north to south from the major Arbor Low stone circle in Derbyshire through Avebury and Stonehenge. Both these lines miss absolute straightness by a few hundred yards at a few points and we should not be surprised that over the centuries some land movement such as the mid-Atlantic rift could account for these particular discrepancies. It also appears that these lines extend through Scotland into the Orkney Islands and south into Brittany (France) at a time when this was one land mass.”

Oddly, the Pyramids on this planet were made mostly from a stone created by humans, somewhat like concrete is made today, but back then the durability of their concrete is much more stable and many times longer lasting than our planet makes today.Their are a whole lot of reasons of why magnetic energy actually controls the thought process of the planet Earth and how we interact with one another. Witches, Warlocks, Shamans, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, Christians and a variety of other religions have a Concept of Truth. However, in view of the spiral galaxies, circular planets, spinning storms on these planets as well as our own all created out of the pull of magnetic energy it isn’t surprising that the ancient tribes used this spinning motion to create these energy forces in their time.

Vortex Healing

In being raised my whole life with the statement of, “You are only given what you need, the rest is up to you.” I have come to learn in all my years that what you need has absolutely nothing to do with anything material. There is a code to your life and realizing that you are responsible for deciphering that code to move you on to total spiritual happiness within yourself where everything in your life falls into place without effort, including anything material.

I was born into my family for the lessons they taught me. What you are freely given as a child, whether it was a wash tub to bathe in because the cesspool backed up, an herb or plant from the garden when you skinned your knee or a hand full of flour and a sprinkle of water to make pie crust, you will find as an adult, situations will arise and you will need to utilize information that you came here with and what you have been taught through your life.

I was taught as a child, by my Great Grandfather and Celtic Lord, Vortex Healing. Although, when I was a child we called it in the Breton language, translated to English, because none of you speak Breton, “Spinning Wheels of Light.”  It kind of goes back to that Wheels within Wheels concept through the Universe, spinning clockwise or counter-clockwise, which can be positive or negative, depending on your attitude or frame of mind.  Vortex Healing originated over 5000 years ago through the Merlin Lineage. It is a process of moving energy in a spinning motion, (like a whirlpool, tornado or hurricane), into an injury, illness, disease or life issue, even if it is karmic based, and healing it. The Chinese brought to light spinning energy fields in the body called Chakras and as the Psychic Age of Aquarius was ushered in, so the ancient healing practices came with the New Age of Enlightenment.

My first experience of using Vortex Healing for something major was when I was 12 years old and compressed a disc in my neck during P.E. in school. My Great Grandparents had passed on and my Grandmother utilized the Vortex Healing with Angels that eliminated my pain. It wasn’t until I was an adult I found, after studying color effects in your life, that using different colors in the spinning energy had different healing effects. As little as 2 years ago in using this healing method when I became ill I questioned this pleasant smell I always got, but couldn’t quite place it. Out of the blue a Psychic friend of mine asked me if it was a slight scent of roses. That was the smell and the smell of Angels around me.

All of this comes, with the coincidence of age, that my 12 year old daughter suffering her first major accident when she fell on News Years Day and broke the her tibia and fibula bones in half, in her lower leg. She had to have major surgery and rods put into her leg. She received her first major lesson on using Vortex Healing with Angels. It isn’t hard to accomplish and within minutes my daughters pain subsided and a warm feeling came into her leg. She is now utilizing this healing every time she has to move her leg. It has also helped her to pinpoint a focus, which has caused her ADHD to subside. She has been given what she needs, at the moment, for her life issues.

As for that washtub from my childhood, it certainly has come in handy getting my daughter bathed and hair shampooed with a cast on her leg. And that plant from the garden would the Aloe plant that has diminished many sunburns in the desert and soothed the nerves in her skin around her cast. As for that flour and water mix, when my daughter is well and walking on her own I have promised to show her the fine art of mixing flour and water to make her favorite food called pasta.

Remember the things you learned growing up, whether good or bad, as they will help you decipher your own codes of your life.