
Health Care In This Country

I would like to share a personal story about HEALTH CARE in this Country.  I’m not trying to make your decisions, I am however, trying to understand the stupidity of Doctors who use scare tactics if you don’t have Health Care.  I’m not happy over the fact that I am a widow raising to 2 teenage children on my own.  My husband, who was the main bread winner, died leaving me his debt that I am obligated to pay.  I was given no choice.  I applied for health insurance after his health coverage cancelled the policy because of his death.  I applied with a Health Insurance Company, but my children and I were denied because I take thyroid medication and my children’s doctor would not release their medical history because they were minors.  I was never given the option of allowing their medical files to be released.  It’s hard to know what to do when you are confronted with a situation you have never had to handle.  I’ve grown up since then and the stress I went through with my husband’s death that took a while to get over.

In that while of growing up I kept hearing my Great Grandfather telling me as a child to “pay attention to your surroundings”.    What I found in my surroundings was arrogant self serving people who only cared about how much they used you and made in dollar signs, off of you.

3 years and 9 months ago on New Year’s day my daughter was called by a neighbor to come and babysit their 9 year old daughter.  The father of the child was playing golf and afterwards drinking at the “Counry Club”.  The mother left her child home alone while she went to the bar.  The girls were watching T.V. when the father came home and told them to go outside and play on the trampoline. What do kids do when they are told by adults to do something, they usually do it.  My daughter broke both of her lower leg bones in half.  The father had left, didn’t tell the girls and when his daughter called him he refused to come home.

My daughter laid on a trampoline for 30 minutes in pain because the father didn’t believe it actually happened when his daughter called him.  My daughter finally called me and I showed up before the father who was closer to the house than I was.  $34,ooo.00 in medical bills and a lawsuit that has taken 3 years and 9 months to settle and I lost my job staying home to take care of her for 6 weeks because there was no one else to do it. My daughter couldn’t even get to the bathroom by herself.  I was denied State benefits to cover her medical bills because I had a retirement account left to me by my husband.

I was unemployed because the economy fell and jobs were suddenly hard to come by in the state of Arizona.

Fast forward to this year in June.  My 16 year old son, an honor student, was complaining of pain in his rib cage and chest area.  His doctor requested I send him to Phoenix Children’s Hospital.  He was in the hospital 6 hours on an EKG machine.  Three doctors said all he had was inflammation in his rib cage.  He was given Ibuprofen and was fine, until the Cardiologist’s office called to do another EKG.  My sons entire hospital bill was $1300.00 for 6 hours, the Cardiologist charge me $847.00 for one EKG and my son was in that room with a nurse practitioner for 10 minutes.  Several days went by before that office called and wanted to do a stress test I refused because of their prices and the nurse practitioner told me on the phone he was extremely ill and could drop dead at any moment and I would be responsible. I didn’t believe her so she had the Cardiologist call me to tell me the same thing over the phone. They gave gave him an echo gram instead and did not charge me.  They waited a week to give me the result that showed nothing.  So they re-asked for the for a tread mill test at no charge, however the bill came later, over 800.00 dollars.  Then they wanted to do an MRI for $10,ooo.oo that had to be paid up front. He didn’t get the test.

Every test my son had he was told NOT to EAT before that test.  The nurse practitioner showed me a comparison to the hospital tests and told me he was extremely ill.

I’m not that stupid, I got a second opinion by 2 doctors.  I was told to make sure he had food on his stomach before the EKG.  In the end the only thing wrong with him was he drank to much water that flushed all of his electrolytes out of his  body. He was told to drink Gator Aid and he has been fine every since then.  His EKG’s have been normal since.

My point to this blog, for those of you who want to call Government Health Care Socialized Medicine I really could care less, you can call it whatever you want.  I have dual citizenship with Ireland, however, when I was living in England I fell and broke my ankle.  I was taken to the hospital, a cast was put on and I didn’t pay a dime of money I didn’t have.  There are millions of citizens in this Country who can’t afford Health Insurance and just can’t get it because of a “pre-existing condition”.

By the way, my son was also denied State Health Care because I receive Social Security Death Benefits that the State of Arizona claims to be more than enough that is suppose to go to health insurance and a college fund.  Obviously, they haven’t checked the price of food, gas or the job market in Arizona lately and I am State Licensed in my profession.  I’m lucky to work 3 days a month.

It’s really sad that political promises  by State Officials are nothing more than promises and a bag full of lies. Be very careful of who you vote for in your State next year.

The Arrogance of this Country

Since when do the elected officials of this Country try to take away our God given right to make our choices, pertaining to our personnel experiences we came here to work out, all on our own, as they arrogantly assume control of it’s citizens decisions.  When are they going to wake up and realize that this Country is not about them, it’s about WE THE PEOPLE!   These politicians have gone to great lengths to NOT Provide American Citizens with HEALTH CARE!

Think about it!!!!  How many of you are struggling financially?  How many of you have had their Credit Reports ruined because you lost your job and have to wait up to 7 years before it’s no longer on your credit report and can’t get anything done in your favor?  How many of you have had homes that suffered foreclosure and you are not living in the style you had?  How many of you live in a State where your State Government really doesn’t care, because they believe it’s your fault for not being the Almighty Rich Citizen?   Did we all really come here to be rich or do we come here for our personal goals we need to accomplish on our own?

Are you aware that Companies out there are not hiring people, who pay taxes, because they might have a drink or two or smoke. Companies aren’t hiring disabled people because they only want to hire healthy strong workers.  They aren’t hiring older workers because they feel they can’t produce enough.  WHAT HAPPENS TO AMERICA WHEN MOST OF THE PEOPLE ARE OUT OF WORK AND NO TAXES ARE BEING PAID?

Is dictating to me from another Human this Countries course of action to be our NEW WAY to life?  THAT’S NOT FREEDOM OF CHOICE!

If the Arrogance and Control is to be our new way of life, the FEDERAL Government and Corporations have serious issues.

As long as we still have FREEDOM OF SPEECH everyone needs to express their opinion against the CONTROL of our lives.  SLAUGHTERING THE CONSTITUTION IS A CRIME BEYOND REPROACH.

It’s not even funny to me that Google and their buy out of Yahoo are arrogantly trying to control what’s on the internet.

Let it RIP VERBALLY before you no longer have FREEDOM OF SPEECH and CHOICES TO MAKE IN YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!




What Does Laughing Have To Do With Anything

There aren’t many people in this Country that find anything amusing these days.  Many people who were once middle to upper middle class are unemployed, have lost or are losing their homes and can’t feed their children.  Take heart it’s not just this Country suffering lack of jobs and loss of property.  My cousin is going through pretty much the same thing in England right now.


My father used to say no mater how bad things get, it could be worse.  He was right with that statement and I am going to tell you why.   There is a neighbor that lives down the street and around the corner from me.  He lost his job and medical insurance because he couldn’t afford to pay the medical insurance premiums through Cobra.  His wife worked, but their main income was gone.  They lived off of their savings and credit cards, trying to hang on until things got better, but it only got worse.  Eight weeks ago he had an electrical short in the wiring in his attic and it caught fire to his house. He got his family out and the fire department was called by a neighbor.  


This man was so stressed over everything going on a few days later he suffered a heart attack and the paramedics had to be called.  He was unconscious and they had to shock him to resuscitate him.  He woke up in the hospital the next day.  His wife visited him everyday and on the 5th day of his hospital stay, when he was feeling somewhat better, she reminded him that they were now over $200,000.00 in debt with no medical insurance and he was unemployed. His wife told me a few days ago, when I bumped into her at the store, that after she reminded him of how bad their finances were he started to laugh until he was hysterically laughing.  His wife thought he had literally lost his mind and buzzed for the nurse, who got the staff doctor in to see him immediately because he couldn’t wouldn’t stop laughing hysterically.  


Take “Heart”  the doctor told him the more laughing and physical exercise you do the more anxiety you release and the stress starts to subside helping you to focus better on new opportunities.  He also suggested a pet, to which, if you really love your pet, they help to absorb negative energy from the humans they love, which is why when you get depressed or agitated your pet seems to either sympathize or pull your attitude and you don’t know why.


Yesterday, my neighbor, his wife and their new puppy were walking down the street in front of my house.  Their homeowners insurance company still has not settled on fixing their roof and that have plastic sheets covering the wholes.  My next door neighbor was in her front yard that is fenced talking to my daughter that was in her yard.  My daughter had on backless shoes and she got so excited to see this puppy she went to step back and caught her shoe on the driveway and fell flat on her butt.   Ya just couldn’t help but laugh hysterically.   (all she ended up with was bruised ego and highly embarrassed)


By the way, my neighbor’s family and friends have financially help them reduce their debt, but they are still struggling, as so many people are.  Take a stress break and laugh.


So……. what tickles your funny bone?

Child Abuse, Parent Abuse, Anger Management

l, like everyone, have things going on in their life, but I seem to always have more things happening than most, of course, because I was taught as a child to pay attention to everything going on around me. I am not going to discuss in detail, the psychic ability of Clairaudience. (Psychic ability to hear) That would be up to everyone else to decide their path in this life time. However, I have been prompted by my deceased grandmother, for whatever her reason, to discuss Child Abuse.  Right now my grandmother is pushing me to bring this up again, since my post on “Save the Children”.  

This started on her, “living, birthday” on April,22, 2008.  She was born on April 22, 1907.  The following excerpt comes from the internet, I suppose to prove a point on her part. Her name was Opal Davis.  She is in the National Archives in Washington for her work, along with Kitty Baldwin who founded the Arizona Blood Bank in 1943.  

She, also, was an extreme advocate and volunteer of the Child Crisis Nursery and Hotline, in Arizona and worked the Child Crisis Hotline for many years. If you happened to call her while she was working the Hotline she would cut you off, as their was no Caller ID at that time. Oddly, she mostly got calls from “parents” whose children were abusing them, which was the lack of parent discipline and rules for their children that they could follow through with every day.

Sometimes parents just don’t know when to say NO and mean it or follow through with it when their kid is totally out of control.  As a parent with kids, you have to follow through with the rules, but NEVER make the rules on your part abusive or out of line. Set limits and stick to them.

My Grandmother was raised in the Ancient Celtic Spiritualism, but became a Christian after her youngest sister died from Scarlet Fever at 9 years old. Then following that path, an Ordained Minister in 1973. She used both worlds of religion and spiritualism to get her point across. She even had me go to the Crisis Nursery to hold, coddle, and rub the babies backs and tummies to sooth them when they were crying, which oddly led me into learning and teaching sign language and lip reading to deaf pre-school children, when I was in College, whose parents were at a loss on communication skills with their disabled child.

I am thankful for those teachings because it has prepared me for my youngest child, that I swear is from the planet Zoldor and unlike anyone else I have encountered in all of my years on this planet.

Sixty Five years ago… (From the Internet)

“In 1943, wartime canteen volunteers Katherine (Kitty) Baldwin and Opal Davis founded Blood Systems”, (in Arizona.)

These two women, exhibiting an unusual blend of pragmatism, ingenuity and foresight, recognized the need for blood among soldiers at war and a concurrent need for a dependable supply of blood among hospitals in the Phoenix area.”

My Grandmother made damn sure I gave blood on a regular basis.

My point on this!!!!!!  If you feel the need to take your frustration out on your child, DON’T. Check your Anger!  Put a lock on your bedroom door, go to your room, lock it, punch a pillow and scream and shout into your pillow instead, then give yourself time to settle your anger and rationalize that you too were probably the product of your own parents abuse.

Worse case scenario seek help for your anger and/or find an outlet other than your kids for your anger. They are NOT responsible for your temper and lack of control over your emotions.

SAVE THE CHILDREN!  We can never find a resolution for Global Warming on this planet, without the help of our children and future generations, that start with Love, Respect and Grace for our Children and Our Planet.




Here is a different way of learning Manifesting things that seems to be simple in the mind of an elderly woman, which is my almost 80 year old mother. This is how my mother has worked manifesting, unknowingly or accepting to her, since my father died over 4 1/2 years ago. Almost three years ago on December 31st, my mother came over to my house to eat and watch a movie. My Ridge-back dog was a puppy then, but still big. She loves company she knew and when I opened the door to let my mother in that dog pushed past me and jumped on her, knocking her down before I could stop her.

It took my mother several months after that to manifest the fear of falling. My mother wasn’t hurt in the fall, but she has spent her entire life being afraid of everything.Three months after her first fall, she calls me in a panic because she was standing at the counter in her kitchen, lost her balance for no reason and just fell to the floor and couldn’t get up. However, she has claimed all along she didn’t know how to use her cell phone, but conveniently had it positioned on the counter to where she could reach it, just so she could call me. I had to go over and pick her up off the floor and I do have a lower back injury that I try to ignore as much as possible. Funny she knew my son wasn’t home at the time.

I went out and bought my mother a cane, but she refused to use it. I offered to move in with her, but she wanted me to give my children and my personal belongings away. She hates children and didn’t want them in her house, which is why she didn’t raise her own children and she didn’t want anything I owned in her house. With her falling experience she had all these doctors run all these tests only to tell her it was all in her head and she needed to use her cane whether she liked it or not if she wanted to believe she had no balance. It’s a pretty purple cane with pink flowers, and when she started taking it to work, because the Doctor said so, she was so happy with all the attention she got over it.

Well, her way of manifesting things gets better. I have been extremely busy as of late. My oldest brother and his youngest son have been trying to help fill in the gap by doing all this work at her house, but it hasn’t been to her satisfaction, because “they won’t cook her meals”. They both have MS and my oldest brother’s is Progressive. They will go get her food, but she doesn’t want that and she doesn’t want me putting in long hours at work. Soooo, she decides to sit in her house, by herself, and take her blood pressure every 10 minutes. She finally got it up to stroke level, so she could call me and tell me she was having a stroke or heart attack and I needed to rush to her before she died. She lives a half of a mile down the street from me. Of course she had just seen the heart doctor and he told her she was fine.

I rush over there and call the paramedics who come and monitor her heart and blood pressure and they tell her she is having an anxiety attack, which is what I said to her before they showed up, but I’m stupid. I leave my son to stay with her the night, because I had to work in the morning, but she got up at 3:30 in the morning and yelled at him for having a light on in her den. I had to go get him because she wouldn’t quit screaming at him over a light. Then she wanted to know the next day why I picked him up and left her alone to die. (eye rolling)

Of course, she didn’t want me doing anything with my children over Labor Day weekend, so she had my brother take her to the hospital, because in her mind she was dying over her blood pressure. All her tests found was, anxiety, which led me to reprimand her in front of her Doctor and he agreed with me. The doctor told her he was going to her house and throw her blood pressure machine away that made her mad. The outcome of my visit to the hospital was my mother telling my daughter she needed to have her house vacuumed and dusted before she came home in the morning. She’s going to be really disappointed that it didn’t happen. See how that works.You just cannot demand of others, what you, yourself, are just not willing to do for you or anyone else.


After the last month and the day I had today, then reading an e-mail from Lucky7Star today, I would have to say the Word of the Planet Earth right now is RESPECT. I think we ought to renew the song by Aretha Franklin titled “Respect”, and see if anyone on this Planet gets it yet, because I certainly am not seeing it.

Those of you who read this blog on a regular basis know that I teach in Technical School for adult education, however, I was off work for 10 1/2 months from a back injury and my daughter’s surgery on her lower leg, when she broke two bones completely in half and was in a cast for almost 3 months. When she could return to school I still couldn’t return to work because I had no one to take her to school or pick her up.

I have a love/hate relationship with those words of Summer Break. When I work, my teenagers stay home and fight with each other and call me on my cell phone all day long. This year I was relieved to return to work on Summer Break. However……………………………The Owner of the school called me in a panic. That should have been my first indication that I needed to retire from teaching. Technical School isn’t always about adult education, especially when it also serves the Public, as well as the High School Vocational Program from the High Schools full of 17 and 18 year old students looking for a career by the time they graduate High School. Students get 2 1/2 credits for High School attending Vocational Schools starting in the Summer prior to their Senior year.

Gee, how convenient for the Owner of the School to call me the day before my kids were leaving for 3 weeks to visit my brother in the South. All I was told was the Vo-tech Students had started, there were 40 of them and their Basics teacher had quit. That should have been my second indication, since she had been teaching the beginning Basics in that School for 7 years.

I just wanted to go back to work. I didn’t care about thinking why my employer was so dramatic that I return. Three days later I found out when a 17 year old female student with bleached blonde hair and pink braces started screaming at me over the fact that she had no intention of doing what was required and she would do what she pleased. She was only there for the credits for High School. Then 2 of her friends piped in to defend her and were screaming at me. Hmmm! Now I knew why the other teacher quit. I let it slide that day only because they were having to adjust to a new teacher. However, when it happened from the same 3 students the next day the only thing that was sliding, was down their eardrums when I pulled the MOM tone and let them have it over their “immature and disrespectful behavior”.

Those 3 backed off only to have 3 more start the same thing with me the next day. The MOM tone came again to the whole class of 40 teenagers on the lack of Respect and their total immaturity. Unfortunately, my 13 and almost 15 year old are more respectful than the entire 40 teenagers, that are 17 and 18 year olds, put together. If you have a teen be aware that they “click” in 3’s whether you know about the other 2 in your teens life or not. I have done nothing, but reprimand these students, just waiting for one parent to call and complain about how “their precious child was being treated”. I was so disappointed that not one parent called, until this week. A father wanted to come in and talk to me. I actually expected the worst, because parents always want to defend their child’s behavior because they think they have raised them right. However, this father that came in gave me written permission to hit his child as I saw necessary. I know I looked at him like he lost his mind. I don’t hit my own kids, how could I possibly hit someone else’s brat? I didn’t even know what to say to him other than I would do what was in my legal right.

In the 30 years I have taught in this profession I have never encountered a class full of teenagers who thought they had control of everyone. Today was the straw that broke the camels back. When I had 3 other teens take pictures of a client on their cell phones they are not allowed to even show in the school and laugh at him to his face and make fun of him (that’s illegal). This elderly man is disabled and started crying over the way he was treated in a school he has been coming to for years and has never had a problem with students, until today. I don’t like profanity on my blog, but I will tell you, I was f***ing pis*ed.Not so funny that when I walked into the classroom of 40 teenagers and without saying a word at that moment I had 3 teenagers Scream at me that whatever I heard was a lie, they didn’t do it.

What they never paid attention to over the whole incident, I was watching them while they did it, I just didn’t know who they were doing it to at that moment. The best part is, I have known this man for 18 years, and when he came out and saw me standing there, with tears in his eyes, he managed a slight smile and knew I would take care of it and I did. In the MEAN Mom tone I point blank told them I was contacting their High School Counselors and their non productive parents and they would be attending High School for 5 years to make-up for the credits they were going to lose when I terminated them. You really could have heard a pin drop in that classroom. I will bet any one of you, not one parent will call me to defend their total brat teenager. The best part of all of this was my 13 year old daughter who went to work with me today, who was appalled by what she was experiencing and didn’t understand why their parents didn’t care to do anything over how they were acting.

If you have teens, stop being afraid of them and lay the law down. YOU ARE THE PARENT. Just how do feel if your smart a*s teen rules their way of control into Government? For the rest of you that don’t really give a Rats A*s about RESPECTING others or this PLANET as a whole, well gee, the second word of the day is “GROW UP”! I have read the comments on my blog about others that just don’t get it. We all in this together, at this moment in our lives. Are all of you that afraid, self-centered and selfish that you care nothing about the future of your family and friends and how they act, and yet the Planet Earth’s Future? If I was that controlling as a teen, at this moment I would have a frame around my face that was implanted in a concrete wall. I admit there is Child Abuse and there is Child Discipline. Where do you as a parent stand or let alone “Adult” stand over your very own kids? As much as I hate to say this, “You can run, but you Can’t hide from your responsibilities as a Parent and let other’s take up that part because your lazy and don’t want to deal with it.” If you don’t want that responsibility, don’t have kids!!!!

For those of you that just don’t care about others on this Planet that are trying to make it a better place to live, get off the Internet and quit pretending to be something you are just never going to be, no matter what control you think you are going to get.

Bi-Polar Disorder for the Last Time

I have had so many people wanting to know about “bi-polar disorder”, which is a polite way of saying manic-depression, that I decided to share what I dealt with, briefly to say the least. The disease should not be classified as a disorder, as it is a mental illness disease, inherited through genes and set off in adulthood. Not a lot was known about it for years, but as it has progressed through society and more studies have been done, as too many people who inherit this disease are rapidly becoming citizen’s of mental institutions and prisons.

Many parents do not ever want to admit that there is something wrong with their child. They see their behavior as obnoxious and punish them accordingly, but they certainly don’t understand the bigger picture.

A person who inherits this disease can lead a normal life for the most part, as long as they stay away from drugs, alcohol and anything that alters brain perception. The downfall of these people is addiction. Normally, as a child they are a little hyper and do things they shouldn’t or have been told that it’s wrong, but as they enter their teens and hormone changes they become depressed and seek something to make them feel better. Many teens turn to alcohol because they can get it from an older sibling or parent who doesn’t think to much about the effect it will have on their teen.

With the presents of available, illegal drugs, such as meth-amphetamines, more people are using that drug because it’s cheap, available and alters brain perception to make them feel better and more powerful over themselves. The problem with those born with this disease don’t really understand that the drugs and or alcohol abuse may not affect them mentally and physically until they are in their 30’s. It does eventually become apparent to those dealing with that person that something has changed within them and they are acting differently by lying, cheating, stealing, becoming distant and abusive and above all paranoid to normal things going on around them that they blew out of proportion and have fed themselves with unreal situations that really weren’t happening.

Personally, I have had several people in my life who were diagnosed as being bi-polar and a few who are bi-polar that just won’t admit there is something wrong with them. Of course, there is medication for this disease, if they take it, which many just don’t. The extreme of manic-depression leads those to obsess with suicide and or killing others because they have become paranoid and or schizophrenic.

After dealing with my ex-husband’s extreme bi-polar disease that eventually brought him to suicide it really hasn’t been that hard to recognize it in other people I deal with on a daily basis.

The sad part of all of this is my ex’s parents denied there was ever anything wrong in their family, yet his aunt died in a State Hospital from the the same disease. My ex-mother-in-law would never talk about any of it and hid all the facts from her children, because she was embarrassed over her husbands sister who had this disease. My ex-father-in-law Never talks about his past because he doesn’t want to deal with it or resolve it.

What goes around comes around because my ex-mother-in- law was the one who found her son hanging from the ceiling in her garage when she came home from work.

Don’t be stupid and deny the problems in your family history. Deal with it, accept it and help those who just can’t help themselves. Giving from your heart and helping others in need will make you a stronger and more loving person on this planet and it just may save your children from having to deal with ultimate drama that they shouldn’t have in their life. They deserve better. You brought them into this world, it’s your job to take care of them, regardless of the circumstances going on around you.

Help for ADHD

Just about everyone on this planet has heard me complain about a disorder called ADHD. There are millions of children diagnosed with this disorder for what ever their life purpose is to work things out in their brains. It is a very misunderstood disorder. What many parents are not told is it starts in early childhood but, starts to dissipates when that child enters adulthood, only to disappear completely in their 30’s.The medical profession has come up with all these different drugs to control your child’s behavior that is unacceptable to the parents, teachers and general public. I know all to well, as I have an ADHD child who was so out of focus with everything she was doing. Teachers at her school called me constantly, my neighbors complained about her and my own family couldn’t tolerate her. I chose not to put her on the medication because of all the friends I have who also have ADHD children who were put on the meds. The side affects became worse than the disorder itself over time.

I took my daughter off processed carbohydrates. It helped, but not enough. I finally stumbled onto a dietary supplement that has left out all food products that are known to cause allergic reactions in people. It has been regarded with the highest success rate in helping people with ADHD. At my wits end of the massive clutter, messes, extreme attitude and obsession over processed carbohydrates and just not getting it no matter what was said, I put my daughter on this product, not really expecting a whole lot. At the end of the first day I thought she was just having a moment of calm and was being nice just because she wanted to at the moment. At the end of the first week she was a completely different child. She quit screaming at everyone. She was throwing her trash in the garbage instead of dropping it or leaving it all over the house. She cleaned her room, without being told 5000 times and I could actually see the carpet. She even did her own laundry that was less than 4 loads, instead of the usual 15 loads. She was showering, her hair was brushed and wasn’t dressing like and alien. She was beginning to look and act like a normal child of 12. After the second week her homeroom teacher called me and wanted to know what I did to her to help her pay attention in class and verbally inquire to all her teachers about her grades. Hmmm!

She does have a great personality, can imitate anyone and does a comedy routine on Gangsta’s that now has my 78 year old mother laughing instead of hitting her with her checkbook. It is her responsibility to clean the cat boxes and when I reminded her to do so she got up immediately and dumped them and came back into the house and told me she preferred to wash them in the bathtub. I must have had a horrified look on my face because she suddenly burst out laughing and told me she had never done that and was on her way out to yard to clean them.

Okay, if you have an ADHD child and want an alternative to prescription drugs that have side effects go online and order a bottle of SYNAPTOL and try it. The product is made from mushroom extracts, so unless your child is allergic to mushrooms, you have very little to lose. No I do not get a kickback from the company, but I do have more mental sanity and I certainly feel for those that have lost theirs over dealing with a kid who is ADHD. Hey, after you have to use the garden rake in your kid’s bedroom and pull a folded mattress out of the closet (I’m still wondering how she did that) and come up with 43 loads of laundry, all of your missing towels and silverware you kind of get to the point of thinking of either giving that child away or finding something to help them and your sanity.

BTW, my daughter can’t swallow capsules, so she opens them up and pours them into a small glass of milk. She actually likes the way they taste. SYNAPTOL!!!!I hope everyone enjoys a wonderful Thanksgiving. This year I am truly thankful that my alien daughter from the planet Zoldor is actually acting more human.  

UPDATE:  SEPTEMBER 10, 2007, like many parents, am dealing with a child who is ADHD.  I have found with my daughter that as she entered into her teenage years her symptoms  of ADHD started to magnify with the onset of hormones.  Her doctor has monitored her since being on Synaptol, unfortunately he and I had to concede in the last few months that she was going to have to go on Adderall, as she was becoming completely impossible and out of control of focusing on anything.  Synaptol worked for her focus until she became a teenager.  Every kid is different and you need to judge your course of action on Your Own Mental Sanity and how much you are willing to deal with.  My daughter took one Adderall  pill and within 20 minutes became a completely different teenage kid with total focus.  Being an only parent I can’t afford medical insurance, but I am willing to do without other things to keep my child sane and in control.  However,  I did take her off that drug after two months as it just wasn’t working the way it was suppose to and making her more ballistic.  You just have to keep trying until you find what works best for your child.

Professional Ethics

This is totally off the subject of just about everything I have written, but it has come to mind that just maybe it needs to be brought to the conscious light.

As humans we deal with different classes of people everyday. Some may not have as much education as others nor as much money, but these are material planes on this planet. How you act and react to the performance of others comes from inside your emotional subconscious.

We are a society of communities, companies and industries and have to inter-act with different types of people all the time. You may not like or love everybody you encounter, but you have to learn to accept them as they are as unique as you. However, there comes a time that, regardless of how av-ant guard you are, professional ethics might be something you definitely need to learn and utilize in your dealings with others.

For any one human to be so arrogant, flamboyant and outrageous in a professional environment that deals with the general public of all ages and walks of life has emotional issues of attention and acceptance.

I have worked as a Licensed Cosmetology Instructor for 26 years. It is an industry that can be outrageous and flamboyant, as it is a profession of creativity, but it does definitely have a written and UN-written code of professional ethics.

It is standard practice among the professionals who perform for the public or are judging the performance to wear preferably solid black or solid white. There is a reason for this. It is to take the eyes of those watching you, off of you personally and bring their eyes to the attention of what is created on the model. Models are usually draped in black, gray or dark maroon to take the eyes of the viewer to the models head. Stylist’s are selling their art work to the general public.

I attended a hair show last night in a professional manner. Everyone was dressed according to the part or role they were to have at the show. Suddenly, a casually late arrival slings open the door and gracefully breezes into the building, verbally and breathlessly drawing attention to themself. Decked out in full make-up and flowing hair in a silky floor length red dress with red pumps and spilling over the top of their low cut dress. I’m sure that sounds very sexy to all you men out there.

I had brought my 12 year old Zoldorian daughter with me, who just had to make her way to the front of the building to see who had just walked into the room. It wasn’t 30 seconds that she was back to announce to the entire hair show (Zoldorians are loud people) that the person that just came in had on a long red dress and you could see their black thong thru the material. I still haven’t perfected that melting into the floor and becoming invisible when she does that to me in public. I casually walked away from her to make my way around the building into another room only to find myself confronting the backside of the long red dress. Someone they were talking with pointed out that I was standing behind them and they slowly turned around. I was looking at a face I have encounter professionally before. As my eyes went from their face down the red dress it wasn’t hard to notice that their male package was bulging from their black thong through the red dress. By that time my Zoldorian was standing next to me. All I could do was just turn to her and say “that is just so wrong.”

I am open and honest with my children so I wasn’t worried about my daughter’s reaction. However, many older people, as well as children, should not have to be subjected to someone else’s outrageous extreme for attention.

No one is denying that the Gay community exists. There are many reasons ranging from population control to creative artistic expresssion of souls. After all, Socrates and Plato were gay and extremely inspiring in their thoughts and writings. Learning to accept people for who they are is one thing, but it does not have to include accepting inappropriate behavior, from any race, religion, sexuality or human. The Tower of Babel has fallen. The Ethics line needs to be drawn.

Back to School Shopping

Have you ever noticed this time of year, whether you are a parent or not, that you cannot go into a department store without hundreds of children with germs buying back to school clothes?

This year was one of those adventures in Back to School shopping. In reflecting back on my day, I think the department store felt sorry for me in the end.

I just wanted to get in and out without spending a fortune. When your son has the feet and body of Sasquatch you wait for that 50% off sale, which just happened to be today. It would have been a quick and pleasant trip if my elderly mother hadn’t called complaining she was bored and wanting me to do something with her. Department store shopping wasn’t in my first fifty choices of things to do with my mother, who is blind in one eye, has no sense of balance in large spaces, is always hitting me in the shins with her cane and constantly complaining and repeating herself, but she insisted and bribed me with Starbucks.

Later she tells me that she didn’t want my brother to take her to buy underwear. So, I was easily bribed and put my Zoldorian daughter in charge of her, while I stayed in the men’s department with my son to make sure he stayed in the sales clothes. It wasn’t long before I was pulled away by my daughter and my mother who were looking for me for advice on women’s underwear. I suggested to both of them to ask a clerk. I found out that Zoldorians and their elderly grandmother’s don’t ask clerks for advice on underwear. Again, I was bribed by my mother, who insisted on paying for my kids school clothes if I helped her with her underwear issues.

In my absence from the men’s department, I eventually found my son standing around the check out waiting for a credit card to appear for his school clothes purchases and new backpack he was holding. Well, of course, one child gets a new backpack, both children have to have a new backpack. My bossy mother pushes her way to the checkout line and slings her under clothes all over the counter, demands they are put in a separate bag and directs her grandchildren to set everything up on the counter, so this man can check it out. There was a mountain of clothes that I couldn’t tell what belonged to whom.

Suddenly, I was confused. My mother couldn’t ask a female clerk about underwear, but she could forcefully tell a man to put her underwear in a separate bag. There was so much stuff on the counter the checkout clerk was sweating and not understanding whose underwear belonged to whom. The clerk looked at me for some type of re-assurance he was doing it right, but am sure all he saw on my face was a dazed look. I didn’t even have anything on the counter. My mother started repeating we were going to have to make several trips to the car, over and over. I finally told her to shut-up, as I handed bags and more bags to my children to carry out. When the check-out clerk told her it was $500.00 she said nothing, but I gave my son “The Look” and he knew he was going to get it when we got home. The checkout clerk gave my mother $90.00 in gift cards and she was so excited she told me I needed to bring her back to the store tomorrow so she could buy more things. I pretended I didn’t hear her say anything.

My mother clutched her bag of underwear as if that was all she had left in life and grabbed my arm to hold onto as we ventured to the door, with her cane hitting my shin bone all the way down the aisle. She just had to make the remark that I was much more stable to hold onto than my daughter, but I told her if she was going to fall I would land on top of her because she was clutching the arm I had dislocated and had no strength in, which she didn’t seem to care that she was hurting me as long as she felt stable. When we got to the door to leave the beeping sound of theft rang out through the whole store. My mother wanted me to stop because she thought she might get arrested and I just kept pulling her along to the car, listening to her complain all the way. Nobody from the store cared to even venture in my direction. I was done taking my mother shopping. I hope she never needs underwear again in her lifetime.

Save the Children

This is based off of DoctorBuzzard’s psycho rama and the children of this planet. The story on his site was unimaginable to the average human mind.

What society is ignoring is the fact that children are the victims of their parent’s abuse, whether it is substance abuse at the time of conception and/or during pregnancy. Or neglect after that child is born. The terms ADD, ADHD, Bi-Polar Disorder, and Emotionally Enhanced/ Distraught/or Neglected are new terms being brought to light for the civilized world to now contemplate. These mental disorders have been around a very long time, but are becoming increasingly apparent to many. Why is this happening?

I am not afraid to share this, as I think it is important that everyone needs a better understanding of what is going on around them, their influence and their actions in situations.

‘My Grandmother was one of the Founders of the Crisis Nursery and Child Abuse Hot-line in Phoenix. She worked the Hot-line for many years. In her words, “95% of abused children were abused by adults, who were also abused as children. Those adults were taught abuse and the cycle continued through the generations. Out of the 95% abused, 25% were neglected and left to be raised by pets or other siblings and learned through those pets and children. In one particular case, she told of a 3 year old girl who only knew the sounds and actions of a cat. She ate cat food out of bowl and meowed. She didn’t even speak English that her parents spoke because they never spoke to her. Only the cat talked and cuddled with her. It was a concerned neighbor who took the child from her apartment to the Crisis Nursery when her mother wasn’t home and had left the door unlocked. She heard the child crying and felt compelled to do something.’

This goes on everyday of the week in every State and every Country. We learn from our environment. There are people to this day in Africa that have No means of education other than what they see. They walk on their feet and hands, imitating Gorillas. There are other tribes that communicate with clicking sounds, which made me realize that my computer Weather Bug that Chirps when there is a weather alert, (and we have had plenty this summer) is why my bird now imitates them to the precise sound of the alert.

My Alien child from the Planet Zoldor, may be an Indigo child, and I may make light of it, but it is a just a term, to come to terms, with the fact that at the time of her conception her father was doing Crystal Meth and I was too stupid about drugs to know he was even on them. His teenage alcohol abuse was swept under the rug and denied by his parents when we were dating.

Sadly, for my children, their father committed suicide last year because his drug abuse led to the almighty “Bi-Polar Disorder” that ended in Paranoid Schizophrenia and hallucinations.

Drugs, alcohol and neglect are the biggest problems of our future children today. The World needs to wake-up, to Save the Children, lest we become a dead planet one day.

Alzheimer’s Disease

It is very disheartening to realize that someone you love is having trouble remembering dates, names, places, phone numbers and eventually not remembering anything at all, because they have been slowly struck with Alzheimer’s Disease.  It is also a concern for millions of families who contend with a close family member who has this disease, as family history is showing a corrolation of inheritance.

This is a concern for me as well.  All of the women in my father’s immediate family, his mother and all of his sister’s, have developed this disease and all, but my one aunt have died from it. My aunt that remains alive is in a care facility and when I look at her there is nothing there in her eyes or her mind.

However, this does not mean that the men in my father’s family remained unscathed from this disease. Cardiovascular disease is being tied to an amino acid, and all of the men in my father’s family, including at this point, one of my brothers, had or have cardiovascular disease. The same amino acid is now being tied to Alzheimer’s Disease.

If you are at risk and would like more information on the latest information on Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia, and Stroke and how to help yourself, check out:

Common Sense

It has been brought to my attention, over the summer months, that parents of teenagers fail to realize that their teenager has little to no common sense. Somewhere between childhood, when you are trying to teach your child right from wrong and the hormones of teens, common sense is completely lost.

They don’t even have to be bad teens. My teenage son is a straight A student and received a Presidential Award of Honors for his intelligence, but everyday common sense evades him, unless he was taught it at school. Schools and Government are pushing so much on academics, mostly science, that what is missing, is teaching these teens plain ole common sense. My daughter is not stupid, she is un to herself and her world evolves around her, but her common sense stops at safety. Sounds odd? Well, I had to go to the school and have a tantrum over fire safety and awareness over adults stalking children. I had to take time off of work to do that. It should be automatic with the school systems to teach all forms of practical judgement. The school got the fire department and police department involved and they were more than happy to do it. Now it’s routine in this district and across the State.

Yet, several years ago, a 16 year old boy took his father’s gun, when his parents weren’t home and went out in his backyard and fired it in the air because he thought it would be cool. Several houses down a 15 year old girl had just walked out into her backyard and the bullet struck her in the head and killed her. It almost took an act of God (which credit was given to the news media for pushing it) to teach gun saftey in all the schools.

What is common sense? It’s sound practical judgement. Society has pushed, economically, both parents, (if there is even two) into working, which takes away any parent from teaching these skills to their children at home. Of course, teenagers don’t always listen to their parents either.

If you really think about it, government wants these kids to be scientists and doctors. The scary part is, with all the New Age technology, just who is going to teach them good judgement on how to use it? It sure isn’t going to be the school system and with every parent working, well, just think about where this world is headed with our New Age Teens. It isn’t even my own teens I am concerned about. I work with 60 teenagers everyday and some of things they do are just amazingly stupid.

I have also had to experience the lack of common sense in the medical profession with doctors and their high medical bills, who really don’t care that they are killing their patients, as long as they get paid. Think about that the next time you are not getting anywhere with your doctor and find a new one.

I feel for Jim and Sharon and their plight with their twin, 16 year old boys. (from the last post) As for myself, being a double Aries Nuclear Fire Bomb and only parent, my children know that I would go out and get a pretty frame to put around them after I put them into the concrete wall for destroying anything. In other words, they know their limit and how much I will take. That doesn’t mean that they have the common sense to pick up their trash that falls into the floor, take the garbage out when it is over flowing, put their dirty dishes in the dishwasher or clean up after their animals, when it is really necessary. The best one is leaving the front door wide open when the air conditioning is on and it’s 112 outside. Duh! They just wait for me to come home from work to get mad because it gives them a reason to have an attitude. They are slowly learning though. Just so you know, the only attitude that flys in MY house is mine and occassionally my hand up the side of their head. If my teens ever wanted to call CPS on me I would be right there handing them the phone and looking up the number.

Parents need to understand that discipline and child abuse are two different things, whether it is physical or verbal abuse. Abused children become abusive parents and cycle continues.

Being an only parent, without backup, is harder than you can realize, but learning to control your own internal power and directing it in a healthy way to take the burden off of you and place it on those causing the burden. Parents, too, need to learn to use common sense with their children. If you have allowed your children to do what they want because your tired of talking to them, if you let them walk all over you and make demands that you give into, you are going to have a hard time changing this pattern until you change your pattern.


Have you ever noticed the pattern your life takes on, in different areas? Sometimes we don’t see things coming at us or we don’t understand why some things come upon us and when confronted with different scenario’s we get our feelings hurt, because we thought we were doing what was expected, but other people thought differently.

I, on the other hand, could care less what you think. Not that I don’t think your opinion is important, but when the logical value of your opinion is missing and your communication skills are vague, misleading, or controlling, then I find that you are at fault and I didn’t really do anything wrong other than being confused over why you are that way when you didn’t check to see if I was that way.

I still get confused over why I am the only one to supply the home bathroom with toilet paper, but for some reason, when I use the bathroom, all the toilet paper has been used and I have to drip dry before putting more rolls of toilet paper in the bathroom. Logically thinking, the last one to use the last piece of toilet paper should replenish it, but why I have to be awakened in the middle of the night, by a teenage child needing toilet paper, because there isn’t any in there, just evades me. I can’t recall doing that as a teenager.

Then there is work. 3 months after starting this teaching job, I was helping a tall male student. I couldn’t see what he was doing wrong standing, so I sat down to get a better perspective. This other teacher came up to me and told me I was not allowed to ever sit. I looked at her like she was an alien from another Universe. I have been doing this for almost 30 years, (she had been doing this for less than a year) so……when did the rules change? I don’t really intimidate easily, I just get irritated with controlling stupidity. I sat anyway and she was irritated. Oh well! I pointed this out to the owner the following week and this teacher was put in her place, but she didn’t talk to me or like me for the next 12 months. However, other teachers came and went and this teacher hated them all, (on the other hand, my logical opinion of those teachers was they were incompetent at their job, so I could see her view point) This teacher, teaches the new students their basics, which isn’t always correct with what the State wants, but I just retrained them when they got to my level of teaching.

I had patience enough to finally see Divine Justice take over. As much as I intimidated this teacher, without trying, she had 30 new 17 year old students start a week ago. She was so over-whelmed, she asked the owner if I could come into to her basics class and help her. (There are 5 other teacher’s in the school, hmmm) I agreed and she wanted me to actually teach her class today, but this teacher asked me a thousand questions and admitted she learned a lot and wanted me back in her class to teach tomorrow.

Sometimes things are not always as they appear. Patience, knowledge, and perseverance will prevail in the end, so don’t get discouraged when people put you off, as I have found, it is not really you, but the fear of others accepting you, because they are afraid you know more than they do and they just don’t want to accept that they should be supplying toilet paper in the bathroom instead of you.

Life is full of daily CHANGES, constantly moving around, but how much endurance and time you have to spend on patience, waiting for your time, depends on you and those you are dealing with everyday. You can walk away anytime, but do you want too?

Take heart Katie, Doug and Josh, you will prevail in your job and your love life. Oddly, all three of you e-mailed me almost the same exact question at the same time.

Love and Light and hang in there, it will happen!


ADHD means Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Most children who absolutley drive you crazy with their non-stop talking, excessive eating of processed carbohydrates, (like spoonfuls of sugar or pasta or anything made from sugar or flour), excessive messes and clutter, always telling you they will, when they won’t (and don’t), getting in trouble for not pay attention to what they were told, who don’t remember 30 seconds later what you said, (lack of concentration), have hard time understanding school work and don’t care too, getting in trouble for just about everything, always interfering and over rationalizing someone elses conversations and as they approach their teen years, have a high level obsession with alcohol and or drugs, (and have obsessive, compulsive behavior), stupid antics to get attention, and extreme weight gain, usually are signs of ADHD. The medication that is prescribe by the medical profession can have extreme side effects and can cause more problems than the ADHD.

There is way around all of this for everyone who has it or is dealing with it in their child or an adult. It doesn’t require great effort, but a minor diet change. Eliminating processed carbohydrates from the diet will bring a noticeable change with 24 hours. By replacing processed carbohydrates with natural carbohydrates will NOT cause any withdrawl symtoms. The best part is you can eat as much as you want or need in a day, without weight gain or side effects. Natural carbs come from fruits and vegetables. By eliminating processed carbs (anything made with sugar or flour) and replacing it with natural carbs (fruits and veggies) the hyperactive antics disappear within an extremely short time.

Does this mean you can never have sugar or flour based products? No! It means that the majority of your daily diet consists of fruits, vegetables, real butter, (not margarine), milk, fish, and lean meat. Broil, boil or barbacue your meat products. You can have rice as long as it is long cooking rice and not minute rice. Snack foods like potatoes chips should be replaced with corn chips. Real cheese should be used, instead of jared or canned cheese. Lunchables and Lunch meat should be illegal.

Processed foods are a deadly enemy to humans. Stay out of the fast food resturants. Make an effort for the health of yourself and your children and stop being a lazy American. Think before you put it in your grocery basket.

There are schools across the country for children that get into trouble and can no longer attend public or private school. Some of these schools have changed their dietary programs for troubled and unruly children. These children are totally different than they were before, just by a change in diet and the cost is the same for the schools who serve processed carbohydrates to the students. We need to get a clue on what we eat and how we treat our bodies. How long do you want live?

Too add a note, ADD should be treated the same way. I saved this part until now,as when I posted this blog I had done this with my daughter who was diagnosed ADHD. At the end of the first day, her comment to me was, “I don’t feel so slow and I feel different when I think, like I am clear.” She is going to be 12 in a few days. Oddly, what she thought to herself as “slow” everyone saw her as hyper. She went from being a straight D student to getting on her last report card 4 A’s and 2 B’s. I ventured out of just my own kid and having a student who has a son, that was so bad with ADHD, he was on the edge of being classified as mentally ill. She decided to help me in this experiment, as she felt totally hopeless. She changed her sons diet and after one day, she told me that “it was so weird, that for the first time in his life he was calm and actually sat and watched a whole t.v. program and wanted to talk about it afterward.” She told me in his 15 years he has never watched more than 3 minutes of t.v. and never thought of talking to her about anything he just experienced. She too had refused the medication the doctors were insisting on and lived a frustrating life with her child, who craved sugar and ramon noodles. She is a wonderful woman with a great since of humor and was overwieght when she changed her sons eating. Since she, herself cut out the processed carbs, with her son, she has lost 30 pounds. I just got her results today. Thanks Nancy, for helping me with this.

Do your own experiement and see for yourself!